Welcome to EvilNet DNSBL

We want to tell you that we who love IRC find this social network as it is a way of communicating where we prioritize pure text over any other existing format on the internet.

We believe in respect and fun without disturbing anyone. The possibility of chatting on multiple channels and privately between us, makes it our choice.

We affirm the concept of privacy and for that reason, your conversations will always be kept that way, for you, when you choose to chat with someone in a private window.

You should know that in public channels (a main window) we treat each other kindly and respectfully. We hope that you have a good time at Evilnet and of course, we thank you for being part of our network.

What you can't do:

a) Not to damage in any way the network resources or any of its services.

b) Do not carry out or spread illegal or prohibited activities by local and/or international laws.

c) Do not hit/attack any user or Evilnet staff.

We reserve the right to cease any conduct that we detect in the previous points and report it to the authorities that we consider.

What you can do:

Everything else, have a good time, fun and above all, make friends :)

EvilNet DNSBL – What is it?

EvilNET DNSBL is a collection of compromised ips obtained using different sources with the purpose of maintaining a black list of unwanted clients in our network.

Why having a DNSBL on EvilNet?

As we have said, we have DNSBL to take care of the resources of our network and prevent new attacks from the IPs involved in previous attacks. It helps us protect our resources and prevent damage to both our equipment and users or staff. In addition to this, a registry is very useful to facilitate it to the competent authorities when required.

Read more on FAQ